'SEA' some of the ocean's gentlest creatures
Come face-to-fin with your favorite ocean pancake – the stingray!
Meet our large Southern Rays in our Underwater Ocean Tunnel, stop by and see our Atlantic Stingray, the smallest of our rays, in Stingray Bay, and then say hello to our Blue Spotted Stingray and its two spines in our Harbor Exhibit.
WHOA - You Need to SEA This!
- See if you can spot our biggest stingray, Slapper, in our Tropical Ocean tank. She can usually be spotted sliding over the top of the ocean tunnel or napping in the sand along the bottom of the tank.
- Once you find Slapper, see if you can spot her two daughters, Barb and Ivy! Barb is darker and looks like a smaller version of her mom. Ivy, on the other hand, is a little bigger than her sister and lighter in color.