SOCRRA Drop-off Center
995 Coolidge, Troy, MI (between 14 Mile and Maple) | (website)
For residents of: Berkley, Beverly Hills, Birmingham, Clawson, Ferndale, Hazel Park, Huntington Woods, Lathrup Village, Oak Park, Pleasant Ridge, Royal Oak, Troy
Accepts: newspaper, junk mail, magazines, cereal boxes, milk cartons, juice boxes, empty cans, Aerosol cans, glass bottles, glass jars, plastic bottles, plastic jugs, plastic containers, flattened cardboard, pots, pants, hot water heaters, Christmas lights, Styrofoam (no peanuts), plastic bags, plastic wrap, hard cover books, VHS tapes, cassette tapes, CDs, bottle caps, clothes & shoes, old curbside recycling bins, plastic laundry baskets, plastic lawn chairs, plastic toys, plastic buckets, plastic crates, plastic totes/storage containers, computer monitors, CPUs, televisions, radios, telephones, cell phones, copy machines, scanners, fax machines, stereos, video game systems, DVD players, VCR players, CD players, routers
Hazardous waste accepted: automotive products, lawn & garden products, medical items, motor oil/filters, oil filters, automotive batteries, brake & transmission fluids, gasoline, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizer, old medication, cleaning products, syringes & needles, paint products, ammonia, bleach, wood/metal polishes, latex & oil paints, adhesives & glues, paint thinner/remover, caulk, furniture strippers, rechargeable batteries, compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs), cooking oil, 4ft & 8ft fluorescent tubes
SOCRRA Compost Site
1741 School Road, Rochester Hills, MI 48307 | (website)
For residents of: Berkley, Beverly Hills, Birmingham, Clawson, Ferndale, Hazel Park, Huntington Woods, Lathrup Village, Oak Park, Pleasant Ridge, Royal Oak, Troy
Several pricing options based on the amount & type of compost material.
Eagle Valley RDF
600 West Silver Bell Rd., Orion, MI 48359 | (website)
Accepts: asbestos-non-friable, auto shredder fluff, construction & demolition debris, drum management-solids, industrial & special waste, municipal solid waste, naturally occurring radioactive materials, tires. Please note: this facility does not accept hazardous waste.
Recycle Livingston
170 Catrell Street in Howell, Michigan | (website)
For residents of: Livingston County
Accepts: stoves, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, water coolers, lawn mowers, gas grills, all sizes of household batteries (not car batteries), flattened cardboard & boxboard, cell phones & accessories, Christmas lights, DVDs, CDs, cassette tapes, VHS tapes, hard drives, electronics, televisions, clear glass in the following colors: clear brown green blue (only food & beverage container glass -- no drinking glasses, mirrors, perfume bottles, glass shelves, table tops, leaded glass, windows, auto glass, ceramic dishes or Pyrex), gallon or smaller-sized containers of latex paint, markers, tin cans, aluminum, mixed paper, plastics #1, plastics #2, wearable shoes & boots (no high heels, flip flops, slippers or torn shoes), Styrofoam (no packing peanuts), vinyl siding
High Tech Recycling
37 W. Yale Ave, Pontiac, MI 48340 | (website)
Accepts: televisions, computers, printers, mobile devices, computers & servers, phones, laptops, tablets, cell phones, computer monitors, digital cameras, printers, fax machines, cable boxes, modems, toner cartridges, satellite receiver boxes, switches & routers, DVD players, VCR players, computer cords & cables, household appliances, docking stations, game consoles, keyboards & mice, LCD TVs, LED TVs, Plasma TVs, battery back-ups, portable MP3 players, computer parts, rechargeable batteries
20000 W. 8 Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48075 | (website)
For residents of: Farmington, Farmington Hills, Milford, Milford Township, Novi, South Lyon, Southfield, Walled Lake, Wixom
Accepts: paper drink cartons, file folders, office paper, gift wrapping paper, #1 plastics, #2 plastics, #4-7 plastic containers, newspapers, magazines, brochures & inserts, metal & aluminum cans, paperboard boxes, corrugated cardboard & paper bags, household scrap metal, phonebooks, greeting cards, regular & junk mail, glass bottles (all colors), buckets, lawn chairs, plastic toys
UBreakiFix Troy
3137 Crooks Rd, Troy, MI 48084 | (website)
Accepts: cell phones, tablets, desktop computers, laptops, desktop printers, DVD/DVR/VCR players, gaming consoles & accessories, flat panel computer monitors, wires/cables/chargers, smart watches, earbuds, keyboards, mouse, MP3 players, portable speakers, stereo receivers, sound bars (38" max), VR headsets, smart speakers & IoT gear
Please note that SEA LIFE is not affiliated with any of these facilities and their policies may change at any time without notice. Fees and membership requirements may apply.
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