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Make a Provisional booking

School Trip Enquiry Form

Contact Details
1st line of address
Booking Information
Your booking confirmation will take into consideration your free teacher ratio. Please note: Home School Rates do not include the free teacher ratios.
Our booking agents will do their best to book your preferred time of arrival but on occasions due to availability they may have to book the nearest available slot or consider your alternative date of visit. Please double check your booking confirmation on your allocated arrival time.
ADDITIONAL ATTRACTION: Would you like to book any other London attractions? Please visit the relevant attraction's website for their schools pricing.
Do you require two free planning tickets? These are two tickets to visit the attraction before your school trip to plan your visit and carry out an onsite risk assessment.
Please select a date Monday - Friday in term time.
Please advise a time within opening hours on your chosen date of visit.
Final Questions
What is the subject focus of your trip? * It would be great to learn more about the learning objectives of your trip. You can choose more than one.
Which age group have you booked this school trip for? * This will help us to ensure we continue to tailor and develop our experience to your teaching needs. You can choose more than one if you are bringing students across year groups.
What influenced your decision to book an educational visit to SEA LIFE London * Please select all that apply
For more information about how we manage your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy To change your preferences or to stop receiving direct marketing from us, you just need to click the link at the bottom of our emails.

Planning resources
