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Our Oceans!

Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet!

The oceans cover about two-thirds of the surface of the Earth and are the very foundations of life. They generate most of the oxygen we breathe, absorb a large share of carbon dioxide emissions, provide food and nutrients, regulate climate, and are important economically for countries that rely on tourism, fishing and other marine resources for income.


Unfortunately, human pressures, including overexploitation , illegal unreported and unregulated fishing, destructive fishing, as well as unsustainable aquaculture practices, marine pollution, habitat destruction, alien species, climate change and ocean acidification are taking a significant toll on the world´s oceans and seas.

We need your help, all together can make a difference!


Invasive algae


A study on the effects of invasive algae on the Mediterranean coastline is being promoted

Sea Life Benalmádena has taken part in a study on the effects of invasive algae in the Mediterranean Sea, and more specifically on the coast of Malaga. The aim "is to check how it affects the conservation of the flora and fauna of the affected areas, how its manipulation can affect humans, and the possible uses that can be given to it with a view to a more sustainable activity".


The study, they have detailed, tries to find areas colonised by the algae and see its progression after a year, identifying marine areas on the coast of Malaga that have been invaded by this algae and the reaction of the native species.

In this aspect of the more local flora and fauna it is too early to draw precise conclusions, but everything points to the fact that this invasive algae alters the support and habitat of the native communities.


We need your help!


  • Reduce, reuse and recycle.
  • Take part in beach/ litter cleans.
  • Choose sustainably sourced seafood.
  • Say no to plastic straws and stirrers.
  • Always use a reusable bag or bottle.
  • Use a reusable coffee cup.