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The Return of the Yoga

  • Wednesday 22nd January 2014
  • Events

The New Year's resolution is a sacred promise to erase the bad habits of the previous year and move into the forthcoming year with a renewed determination to be the best possible version of you. Almost as sacred is the tradition of justifying the return of your bad habits because it is what you have always done. However starting February 4th, SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium is here to ensure that you uphold at least one resolution with the return of our popular Yoga Under the SEA!

Your Resolution Solution!

Whether it is your goal to stay fit, relax your mind or enjoy any of the other many benefits that yoga offers, we have you covered for our brand new low price of $25 per session. Taking place every Tuesday at 7am in our stunning Great Barrier Reef tank, this unique and challenging class lasts for one hour and is followed by a breakfast of mini-muffins, with tea and water accompanying.

So if 2014 is the year you hope to break the cycle of failed New Year's resolutions, then head down to SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium and start yourself on the path to greatness with Sydney's most unique relaxation experience!

Book Online Now!
