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Sea Life Sydney Aquarium X Seabin™ | Quarterly Impact Data: April - June 2024

  • Monday 12th August 2024
  • Seabin

Tom Batrouney Head Of Brand Experience Seabin And Lauren Hughes Aquarist At SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium Disgusted By Marine Waste2

At Sea Life Sydney Aquarium, we’re dedicated to conservation. Our partnership with Seabin™ provides us with an ongoing opportunity to measurably preserve marine ecosystems right here in the heart of Sydney. Seabin™ filters microplastics and plastic pollution from our waterways, preventing it from entering our oceans and our bodies. Here's a closer look at what we've accomplished over the last quarter.

Sealife Impact Data Apr24 Jun24png

Water Filtration Milestone: 46.5 Million Litres

This quarter, we have successfully filtered 46.5 million litres of Sydney Harbour water. This volume of water is equivalent to 18.5 Olympic-sized swimming pools! The filtration process is vital for maintaining clean and healthy aquatic environments for our marine life and capturing microplastics and plastic pollution.

SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium Seabin In Action2

Marine Litter Collection: 297 Kilograms

Marine litter poses a significant threat to oceanic life, and our combined efforts have resulted in the collection of 297 kilograms of marine debris. This initiative helps in protecting marine animals from the dangers of pollution, such as entanglement and ingestion, which can lead to serious health issues or even fatalities.

SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium Seabin Catch Top View

Plastic Pollution: 32,000 Items Captured

From April to June, we've captured an estimated 32,000 plastic items. Plastics are particularly harmful as they can persist in the environment for hundreds of years, causing long-term damage to marine ecosystems. Our efforts significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste that reaches the open ocean, protecting countless marine species.

Microplastics Found In SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium Seabin

Microplastics: 19,514 Captured

Microplastics, tiny plastic particles less than five millimeters in size, are a growing concern due to their pervasive presence in the marine environment. During the last three months, we've intercepted approximately 19,514 microplastics, reducing this stealthy pollution and its threat to marine life and the environment.

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Why These Efforts Matter

Each of these achievements represents a step forward in our ongoing mission to protect and preserve marine ecosystems. By filtering massive volumes of water and capturing significant amounts of marine litter, we are actively contributing to a cleaner, safer ocean.

Catch Found In SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium Seabin3

How You Can Help

You can join us in making a difference by:

  • Reducing the use of single-use plastics
  • Participating in local beach and waterway clean-ups
  • Spreading awareness about the impact of plastic pollution

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Visit Us to Learn More

Visit SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium to discover more about our conservation efforts and see the amazing marine life we strive to protect. Together, we can make a significant impact on the health of our oceans.

For more information on Seabin their activities in Sydney Harbour, please visit or check them out on social media @seabin_project
