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Native Fish Awareness Week 5 - 12 Nov

  • Saturday 5th November 2011
  • Fish


Native Fish Awareness Week 5 - 12 Nov 2011

Freshwater fish are the most endangered group of animals on the planet, with over a third facing extinction (IUCN).

Habitat loss, competition with introduced species, intensive water regulation for agriculture and overfishing have decimated many of our freshwater species.

You can find out more about our freshwater fish at Sydney Aquarium which will highlight the ecological value of our freshwater systems with a focus on the Murray Darling basin. You'll also learn about how our rivers once were via an Oral Histories presentation created as part of the Murray Darling Basin Authority's Native Fish Strategy.

We'll also be launching our campaign to create more critical habitat for native freshwater fish by remediating redundant weirs. There are thousands of weirs and dams in NSW, the Murray has around 4,000 alone. Many of these are redundant and/or unlicensed. Weirs obstruct fish passage and have been known to cause localised extinctions of several freshwater species.

YOU Can Help!

Bangate Bridge Weir on the Narran River (pictured top) is the first weir we're targeting for removal. Located upstream from the RAMSAR listed wetland, Narran Lakes Nature Reserve, the weir is deemed a barrier to fish passage. Total removal of this 8m wide by 1.2m deep weir has been recommended. However funds to remove old redundant weirs is limited. That's where we, and you, come in.

Our aim is to raise $5,000 to add to the $30,000 already collected by the state government, local Catchment Management Austhorities (CMAs), and the Commonwealth's 'Caring for Country' grant to remove Bangate Bridge Weir on the Narran River in west NSW and remediate the riparian vegetation to restore fish habitat.

Narran River is home to many freshwater species including the threatened Murray Cod (pictured bottom), Olive Perchlet, Southern Purple-spotted Gudgeon, and Silver Perch. Carp and gambusia both introduced species are also found there.

Donate to create habitat for our threatened freshwater fish here. Every dollar donated will be used to remove the Bangate Bridge Weir. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Check out the Native Fish Awareness kids trail around Sydney Aquarium between 5 - 12 November.
