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Little Lovebirds

  • Thursday 24th October 2024
  • Little Penguins

Littlepenguins Group

Three Little Penguins Dive into Sydney's Dating Pool!

SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium has become the hottest dating spot in town – for penguins, that is! Three sassy little penguins (Eudyptula minor) have just waddled their way into the hearts of Sydney's most eligible bachelor birds.

Monte, Oreo, and McVitie – named after delicious biscuits because they're just that sweet – are the new arrivals. These pint-sized penguins have traded Canberra's political scene for Sydney's dating pool, ready to ruffle some feathers and find their perfect match.


The aquarium’s colony welcomed the new females, and the single male penguins took an affectionate interest in the trio. Weighing in at just over a kilogram, these feathered females are proof that good things come in small packages.

SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarist, Viktoria Sisak, is already playing matchmaker, noting, "The boys are already head over flippers for our new girls. It's like penguin speed dating! The girls are settling in really well and it looks quite promising for next year's breeding season."

Little penguins start breeding from the age of two. Monte, Oreo and McVitie are less than one year old and are predicted to start mating next year.

Will sparks fly? Will eggs be laid? Will the pitter-patter of tiny webbed feet be heard? Only time will tell!
