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Easter Egg Hunt Ideas for Kids

  • Monday 15th April 2019
  • Activities

With Easter not far away, it’s time to plan for some egg-cellent adventures! Sure – you can hop along to any of the formal events that are happening around the city, but the real fun is in the out-of-the-basket ideas that make the day egg-stra special. We’ve come up with some creative alternatives to the typical chocolate egg hunt, so grab your bunny ears and put these unique activities on your egg-genda. 


Paper Mache Recipe

For these fun Easter egg hunt ideas, ditch the plastic and instead make some environmentally-friendly eggs. Try this method:

  • Blow up an oval balloon to the size you want your eggs to be
  • Make some homemade glue: mix one part flour with one part of water (1 cup flour, 1 cup water), until you get a gluey consistency. If it’s too thick, add more water, then mix to get rid of lumps
  • Soak some newspaper in your homemade glue
  • Place your first layer of newspaper over your balloon, then add a second layer
  • Let it dry by hanging it by the balloon tie
  • Decorate your egg by placing punch-out paper shapes on it while it’s still wet, or you can paint it once it’s dry


Egg Fortunes Hunt

Grab your finished paper mache eggs and make a hole in the bottom. Get the kids to write down some of their wishes on small bits of paper. Make sure you align their egg-pectations, so they keep their wishes reasonable. Things like ‘stay up for an extra half an hour,’ or ‘watch my favourite movie’ will allow you to follow-through. Put the wishes inside the eggs via the hole you made, then hide the eggs. Whichever eggs each child finds within a certain time limit – they win those wishes.


Rhyme Time Hunt

Write a list of nursery rhymes with a missing word – for example – Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse ran up the…’ Each missing word then becomes the location of their next egg, so hide your paper mache eggs in the relevant places. Here are some ideas: Jack Be Nimble = candlestick, This old Man = shoe, Hey Diddle Diddle = spoon, Raining it’s Pouring = bed, Muffin Man = muffin tray, Old Mother Hubbard = cupboard.


Glow in The Dark Hunt

To take your hunt up a notch, get ahold of some glow in the dark paint. Cover your handmade paper mache eggs in a couple of coats and let them dry. When Easter rolls around, and the sun goes down, hide these sneaky, shiny eggs, here, there and everywhere. Give your child a little torch and let them loose in the backyard or even in the house – minus the lights.


Hunt for a Different Kind of Egg

While they may not be Easter-related, give your kids a unique adventure and let them discover the Port Jackson Shark eggs at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium. With a seaside backdrop, the Discovery Kids Rockpool is an interactive space where they can use their senses to learn about the marine creatures that live in rockpools throughout NSW. Let them find out firsthand how to properly handle sea animals, as well as which creatures they should approach with caution. The spiral edges of the shark eggs, the bumpy skin of precious sea stars and the spongy texture of the sea cucumber all make for an experience they won’t forget.
