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ABC of the Sea!

  • Saturday 2nd January 2021

Read along and learn the ABC’s of the sea as you learn some new and interesting animal fun facts!

A for Anemone

Anemones look like plants but are actually animals. They use their sticky tentacles to trap drifting particles of food.

B for Blenny

This shoreline fish can be found in rockpools, where it waits in rocky crevices for the tide to bring in its dinner.

C for crocodile

Different species of crocodiles are found in most of the world’s warmest countries. There is even a sea-going species which can reach 6 metres long.

D for Dog fish

This is a type of shark which us common around the US. Fish and chip shops often sell dogfish as ‘Rock Salmon’

E for Eel

Many different species if eels live in our seas, from huge conger eels to funny looking garden eels which pop up from their burrows in the seabed like stalks of grass.

F for flatfish

Did you know that these camouflage experts don’t lie on their bellies but on their sides? As they grow one of their eyes travels slowly round the head to rest by the other one.

G for Gurnard

Gurnards use special finger-like fins to walk along the seabed and ‘feel’ for hidden shrimps to eat.

H for hammerhead shark

Special sensors on the lower side of its hammer-shaped head means this shark can sweep the seabed like a ‘metal detector’ to find tiny creatures hiding in the sand.

I for Isopod

This bizarre deep-water dweller is like a giant wood louse, a creature to which it is closely related. They have been around for 300 million years.

J for jellyfish

Found in all our oceans there are many kinds of jellyfish. They have been around for 650 million years and are one of the oldest species on the planet.

K for Krill

Krill, the favourite food of most of the big whales, is the name for large masses of tiny shrimps that drift in the ocean currents.

L for lionfish

A beautiful but deadly coral reef fish. It is one of the most venomous fish in the ocean.

M for mussel

A shellfish found commonly around the Australian coast; this simple creature is a favourite delicacy for starfish.

N for Nemo

Made famous by the film ‘Finding Nemo’ clownfish seek safety in the protective tentacles of stinging anemones, which do the clownfish themselves no harm.

O for octopus

With three hearts, blue blood and the ability to change their colour in the blink of an eye, the octopus is one of the brainiest animals in the sea. Experts believe it to be as clever as a pet dog.

P for Penguin

With little to no land-base predators to worry about, penguins have no need to fly. They have learned the skill of ‘flying’ underwater instead!

Q for Queen Scallop

A clever shellfish this one, she has eyes all round the rim of her shell. If she spies trouble, she will flap her shell in a fast clapping action to drive herself to safety.

R for Ray

There are lots of species of ray, including many that are found off our own coastline. Though most not resembling sharks at all, they belong to the same family.

S for Seahorse

The mystical seahorse is the only species where the male gives birth! The female lays her eggs in his stomach pouch, where he looks after them until the young hatch out.

T for Turtle

There are seven species of sea turtles and many more species which live in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. Biggest of all is the mighty Leatherback… a sea turtle that can grow to the size of a small boat.

U for urchin

Sea urchins are slow moving animals covered in sharp protective spines. They walk on hundreds of tiny tube feet and feed mainly on algae.

V for Velvet crab

This crab is named for the velvety feel of its shell and is one of the most common crabs in the UK. It can use its flat back claws to swim, which most other crabs can’t do!

W for Whale

Most whales feed on ‘plankton’ – tiny plants and creatures – that they sift through huge strainers in their mouths called baleen plates.

X for X-ray Tetra

This bizarre fish is actually see-through. You can see all its internal organs!

Y for Yellow-tang

One of the cutest fish of the coral reef, these are very popular with home aquarium due to their bright colour!

Z for Zebra Shark

The Zebra shark’s stripes change into spots as they grow into adults. In Australia Zebra sharks are also referred to as the Leopard shark because of this fact.

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