Welcome to South America! Under the Amazon canopy, follow the course of the river and discover the emblematic species of the Amazon such as piranhas, arowanas or pacus.
The pools in this area are made up of fresh water only and the water is at a temperature of 23-24 degrees.
In the aquarium, there are only two zones composed of fresh water: the Amazon and the Asian zone!

The Piranha
Probably the most famous Amazonian fish! Piranhas live in schools of several hundred or even thousands of individuals and are capable of attacking their prey in groups. This makes them formidable predators. However, they suffer mostly from a bad reputation.

Alligator Gar
This pretador fish is among the largest bony fish in the world and can weight up to 140kg ! It owns its name from the caracteristic shape of its mouth. It can live from Gulf of Mexico to Mississipi river.

The red-tailed catfish
This catfish is native to the Amazon, Orinoco, and Essequibo (river basins of South America). It lives only in fresh water. At maturity, this fish can reach a total length of 1.3 m for more than 44 kg. It is said that it can live up to 100 years!