Meet Our Sharks!
Visiting the Sea Life Orlando Aquarium will give you and your kids a fantastic display of our sharks. In a few words, your whole family gets to learn about these oceanic creatures, dispel myths, and learn how these magnificent carnivores have evolved over the years. Shark species that comprise the SEA LIFE creatures include:
- Bonnethead sharks named Mario & Luigi
- Zebra shark named Joy
- Bamboo sharks
- Epaulette shark named Ellie
- Coral Catsharks
You might even experience these lively creatures feeding during your visit, which is a sight to behold.

Bonnethead Shark
We are so excited to introduce our bonnethead sharks, Mario and Luigi! Did you know that bonnethead sharks are the first known species of shark that are omnivorous? That means they eat both meat and veggies!
Can you spot Mario and Luigi in our Pacific Ocean habitat?

Zebra Shark
Did you know that zebra sharks get their name from the stripes they have when they're born? As they grow, the stripes slowly turn into spots! Because of this, many people confuse zerbra sharks for leopard sharks.
Our zebra shark's names are Joy, Nebula, and Luna and they was brought to us as part of an AZA breeding program to help keep zebra sharks from becoming endangered! Can you spot them in our tank?

Bamboo Shark
Unlike most sharks, bamboo sharks tend to stay in the sand and avoid swimming. Their fins help push them along the sand!

Epaulette Shark
Epaulette sharks have large spots resembling eyes on their backs to scare away predators. They also prefer warm, shallow water in coral reefs and tend to walk along the sand to get around!