SEA LIFE Orlando joins Tour de Turtles!
The SEA LIFE Orlando team traveled to the Barrier Island Sanctuary at Melbourne Beach to tag and release sea turtles with the Sea Turtle Conservancy. The Tour de Turtles follows the migration marathon of sea turtles from their nesting beaches to their foraging grounds.
Using a satellite tracker on their shells, we will be able to monitor their travel patterns to determine how they fit into the Atlantic ecosystem. Through partnerships with the Sea Turtle Conservancy, SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium, and the support of the SEA LIFE TRUST we will continue efforts on both a global and local scale.
We successfully tagged Kelpy, a 300-pound female green sea turtle! Kelpy's journey was funded by the SEA LIFE Trust in order to reach and inspire aquarium visitors. You can track Kelpy's journey by clicking on the image below!
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