Did you know?
- The Blacktip Reef Shark has a very good sense of sight and smell. Its eyes have a reflective layer that enables the shark to see even in almost complete darkness. Even better is the shark's sense of smell: with their nose, they can smell even a single drop of blood in a million litres of water. This enables them to detect injured animals and potential prey at lightning speed.
- The latest discoveries report on groups of bBlacktip Reef Sharks within a territory that hunt together and work closely together. Group formation is determined by the sex of the animals and their body size. These groups are well organised and have stable, long-term relationships between the animals - comparable to friendships.
- Blacktip Reef Sharks usually reach sexual maturity at a body length of around one metre. Mating takes place in a belly-to-belly position in a shallow part of their habitat. Depending on the habitat, the gestation period can last from nine months to 16 months. Immediately after birth, the young are completely independent and are not cared for by their mother.