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Port Jackson Shark

Portjackson Stierkopfhai Neu

Did you know?

  • The Port Jackson Shark has a unique set of teeth that have adapted to its diet. At the front of its mouth, it has sharp, pointed teeth that are used to grab and hold prey, while the back teeth are flat and wide to grind hard shells of crustaceans, molluscs and sea urchins. This dental dualism allows them to eat a varied diet.
  • The females lay eggs in an unusual, spiral-shaped capsule. These egg capsules have a screw-like shape, which enables them to anchor themselves firmly in crevices or between corals, giving them better protection from currents and predators. The young hatch fully developed from these capsules after about a year.
  • The Port Jackson Shark is mainly nocturnal. During the day, it rests in caves, under rocky outcrops or in seagrass beds and only becomes active at nightfall. At night, it goes in search of food and uses its strong jaws to break the hard shells of prey. This behaviour helps it to avoid predators and hunt undisturbed.
