Did you know?
- The Large-spotted Dogfish is easily recognised by its striking pattern of large, dark spots on a lighter body. This camouflage pattern helps it to hide in its rocky and algae-covered habitat by breaking up its contours and making it less visible to predators and prey.
- Females lay their eggs in sturdy, rectangular egg capsules, often referred to as ‘mermaid purses’. These egg capsules have long, thread-like appendages with which they cling to algae or rocks so that they are not washed away by currents. The young develop in these capsules and hatch fully formed after a few months.
- The Large-spotted Dogfish lives in shallow coastal waters, often at depths of only a few metres to around 100 metres. It favours rocky, algae-rich areas, where it often remains hidden during the day and actively forages at night. Its diet consists mainly of small fish, molluscs and crustaceans.