Did you know?
- Clown Anemonefish belong to the anemonefish family: All anemonefish are born male. The dominant, largest animal in an anemone is always the only female. If the female dies, the strongest male transforms into a female within a week. In the wild, female Clown Anemonefish usually lay their eggs during the full moon; the larvae hatch after only 6 days.
- Clown Anemonefish even live between poisonous anemones, but are not injured by them as they allow the anemone tentacles to graze over their bodies until they are immune to the poison. The Clown Anemonefish lives together with its anemone in a symbiotic relationship: even though it lives in the ocean, it is not a good swimmer and therefore never moves far away from its anemone, it is dependent on its protection. At the same time, it can also protect the anemone by scaring off its predators by swimming out when they approach.
- However, not all anemones form a symbiotic relationship with anemonefish. Those in which anemonefish live, however, have a very special ‘personal care service’ - the anemonefish removes debris, waste and parasites from the anemone. Although anemones are more animal than plant, some actually photosynthesise - they use sunlight to generate energy.
- Clown Anemonefish live in family groups consisting of parents and their offspring. The father of the group initially looks after the offspring. He cleans the eggs, which lie at the bottom of the native sea anemone, and keeps curious conspecifics away from them. Later, as larvae, the animals flock to the sea.