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Dive into the Deep


Dive Into The Deep

The vast and mysterious ocean is home to a variety of spectacular and mysterious marine life, from the familiar to rare. Dive into the Deep takes you on an immersive journey: starting at the sunlit seas rich with marine life, then diving deep through the many layers of the ocean, landing in the gloomy and mysterious deep ocean trenches. 
As you dive deep through five incredible and unique zones - sunlight, twilight, midnight, the abyss and the trench - you will discover fascinating and incredible creatures, many rarely seen before. Utilising state-of-the-art technology, Dive into the Deep offers a massive 14-metre immersive digital projection that takes you on a deep dive down through each zone - and even back in time! 

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The booklet is complete with a word search, colouring-in activities and more! Only available to download digitally.

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Go BIG and save money with the Melbourne Big Ticket - visit SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium PLUS Melbourne's LEGOLAND Discovery Centre. There's no need to rush with the Melbourne Big Ticket, you have a full 90 days to visit LEGOLAND Discover Centre after your day exploring SEA LIFE Melbourne. We think it's the best Melbourne attraction pass around!

General Admission

Online From
Per Adult
Up To
Per Adult
Guarantee Entry Online

Melbourne Big Ticket

Online From
Per Adult
When Bought Separately
Per Adult

Time Slot Pre-Book

Online From
Guarantee Entry

Annual Pass Pre-Book

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