Planning resources
The information below will provide you with all the details you need when booking your educational visit with us. We hope this page will answer any questions you have before your visit to the aquarium.
Risk assessment
You will need to complete your own risk assessment for your visit to SEA LIFE Manchester Our supporting risk assessment guide identifies hazards and provides information on control measures. To prepare supervising adults, read this framework.
Getting there
SEA LIFE Manchester is located within Trafford Palazzo (previously known as Barton Square). It's right next door to the The Trafford Centre, which can be accessed from Trafford Palazzo via an indoor footbridge.
Opening hours
The aquarium opening times vary through the year, we recommend checking our opening and closing times before visiting. *Please note our education rates are not available on weekends and on specific dates during the 2024/2025 academic year.
Planning tickets
As part of your school visit booking, you can opt to receive two teacher planning tickets. These are strictly for teachers of the school to conduct their pre-visit assessments. Once you have submitted your booking form, you will receive your teacher planning tickets in a separate email. You can redeem your teacher planning tickets when taking your booking reference number and School ID to the admissions team at SEA LIFE Manchester.
Teaching Resources
Dive deep into a world of underwater discovery... With various content for pre and post your visit, explore the conservation classroom for fin-tastic resources to inspire your students to love the ocean more.
Find out answers to our most asked questions to help you with planning your visit
Save Our Seas: The Rangers Challenge
Check out the Save our Seas: Ranger Challenge Activity pack filled with amazing questions and activities for your students to complete during their educational visit to SEA LIFE Manchester.
Drawing on our core principles to offer students the feeling of connectivity and empathy for our world's oceans, explore our habitat and adaptation and conservation workshops for KS1 and KS2.
Post-Visit Lesson Plan Ideas
Explore more from the classroom with our free curriculum-linked post visit lesson plans...Dive deep into a ocean of underwater knowledge in the Conservation Classroom.
Discover the Conservation Classroom