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Manchester Canal Clean

  • Various dates in 2025
  • Each session will last 2 hours
  • Free to participate and includes a complimentary visit to SEA LIFE Manchester
  • Suitable for the whole family
Take part in our local canal cleans! We're welcoming volunteers back to take part in an effort to rid our green spaces of litter and pollution.

Sign up

Canal Clean Event Calendar


Saturday 25th January Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm - 3pm
Thursday 27th February Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm
Thursday 27th March Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm
Saturday 19th April Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm
Thursday 29th May Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm
June Global Beach Clean TBC
Saturday 26th July Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm
Thursday 21st August Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm
Thursday 25th September Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm
Saturday 25th October Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm
Thursday 20th November Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm
Thursday 18th December Bridgewater Canal Clean 1pm-3pm


How to join

At SEA LIFE Manchester, we've recognised the importance of access to outdoor space for all. 

Our local canals in the area see tons of litter (and larger items!) dumped there every year. SEA LIFE Manchester conduct canal cleans every month and we need your help! 

Join us to help keep our local canals litter free to help protect the creatures and our environment and you will get yourself FREE entry into SEA LIFE Manchester so you will feel great too! 

You can select a date or participate monthly by completing our sign up form below.

Places are limited and your participation will be confirmed via email. 

Preferred Date of Visit * If you would like to participate more than once, please select all dates that apply. If we are unable to book your preferred visit date due to availability, a member of our team will contact you via email for alternative dates.

Also worth knowing...

Note that in severe weather we may have to cancel.

  • What to wear: We recommend you dress for the season/weather and please wear appropriate footwear, sturdy shoes are a must for protection. 
  • What to bring: All equipment including litter grabbers, Hi-Vis vests, bin bags etc will be provided by SEA LIFE Manchester. If you're picking litter with your hands it's worth wearing a strong pair of gloves - like gardening gloves - just to make sure you're protected. We'd also recommend you pack a bag with a few essentials like sunscreen (during the warmer season), hand sanitiser, and perhaps some snacks and a drink (in a reusable bottle, of course).
  • Capacity: We have a capacity limit of 100 people for our canal cleans. You will receive a confirmation email if you have successfully signed up.

If you need to contact us regarding one of our canal cleans please email

Turtle Tally (3)

Help us with the Turtle Tally!

We’re helping Turtle Tally UK to keep track of sightings of terrapins and turtles in our waterways.

Whilst you clean the canals we are asking volunteers to keep their eye out for these creatures and note any sightings.

Read more about the Turtle Tally UK’s work here:
