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Top 5 Creepy Creatures at SEA LIFE London!

  • Wednesday 5th October 2022

Crocodile face

The spooky season is upon us so we think it’s the perfect time to celebrate some of our creepiest creatures! So, come a little closer as we introduce you to five of SEA LIFE London’s scariest creatures! Are you brave enough to read on?

1. Red-bellied Piranhas

First up is the famously scary, sharp toothed scaley friend – the Red-bellied Piranha! These fish live in lakes and rivers around South America, but you can find them right here in London, swimming about in our Rainforest Adventure zone! Despite their sharp snap, their fearsome reputation may be a little exaggerated. It is believed these fish actually swim in groups for protection rather than to attack.

2. Chilean Rose Tarantula

As the name suggests, the Chilean Rose Tarantula is native to Chile. These 8-legged friends are active predators and feed on a range of invertebrates! They can even feed on larger creatures such as mice, frogs and lizards! Creepy fact: they love to hunt at night, so keep your eyes peeled!

3. Atlantic Wolffish

The name is almost scary enough! The Atlantic Wolffish is found in the deep waters throughout the North Atlantic. The name, as you may have guessed comes from their protruding teeth. They have four to six prominent fang-like teeth at the front of their mouth and smaller crushing teeth further back in their jaw. They use these powerful teeth to crunch through the shells of shellfish and crustaceans. Jaw-some!

4. Sand Tiger Shark

Gliding through the waters of our shark tank, our shiver of Sand Tiger Sharks can really scare the living daylights out of you with their incredible jaws and sharp teeth! But did you know? The Sand Tiger Shark does not actually pose a threat to humans and prey on smaller marine creatures. Instead of tearing at prey, they swallow their food whole. 

5. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach - Perhaps the creepiest thing about these bugs are their size! Compared to the common cockroaches we all spot in the kitchen from time to time, these insects can grow up to 2-3 inches long. One adult could almost cover your palm from thumb to pinky!  Males can even use their horns, yes I said horns, to fight other males, often hissing loudly during battles – creepy right?!


Want to see some of these creepy creatures up close? Dive in to SEA LIFE London Aquarium if you dare!

Secure your tickets now

Ticket information

  • Entry at your chosen 15-minute time slot
  • Discover species from around the world in 14 themed zones and interact with them at our public feeding, diving displays and touch pools
  • Please note: The penguin habitat is undergoing a planned refurbishment and refresh. We'll be back very soon!

Ticket information

  • Entry to SEA LIFE London Aquarium, London Eye and Madame Tussauds London
  • Visit your other attractions within 90 days of visiting SEA LIFE
  • Reschedule for free if your plans change

Ticket information

  • Standard entry at your chosen time slot
  • Includes an immersive VR experience: Dive into the ocean's depths with this cutting-edge virtual reality adventure
  • Please note: The penguin habitat is undergoing a planned refurbishment and refresh. We'll be back very soon!