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Get closer to these JAW-some creatures at SEA LIFE London Aquarium

  • SEA LIFE, Shark Walk

Discover our Shark Species

Sharks have lived in our oceans for more than 420 million years! That makes them older than trees! Their brains have evolved to become more intelligent and devoted to their senses – mainly their ability to smell. There are over 500 species of shark in our oceans and you’ll meet lots of them when you explore our Pacific Shipwreck!

SEA LIFE Trust is actively working with the Shark Trust to campaign against unsustainable shark fishing in EU waters. SEA LIFE is also proud to be coordinating the European Black Tip Reef Shark breeding programme.

Discover the shark species you will meet here at SEA LIFE London below...

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Sand Tiger Shark

Sand Tiger Sharks look ferocious with a mouth full of pointy teeth, but our divers regularly jump in with them because they aren't dangerous to humans. They are, however, voracious predators of small fish, crustaceans and squid, feeding mostly at night and close to the ocean floor.

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They are curious creatures

They come up to the surface of the water to gulp air and hold it in their stomachs. Sharks are naturally negatively buoyant which means they sink if they stop swimming. Holding air in their tummy like a balloon enables Sand Tigers to float motionless in the water without sinking. So they can silently drift up close to their prey and quickly snatch it in their jaws.

They can grow to be over 3 metres long and are found in warm or temperate waters throughout the world’s ocean, with the exception of the Eastern Pacific.

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Nurse Shark

To spot a Nurse Shark, look for the shark with the funny moustache! These dangley bits on their top lip are actually useful things called barbels. Barbels are covered in taste buds and are very sensitive, helping the Nurse Shark to find food hidden in the sandy seabed.

Nurse sharks prefer to dwell near the seafloor in the warm, shallow waters of the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans, they can grow up to 9.5ft.

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Bottom Dwellers

Most sharks must keep moving to breathe. That's because they need water to flow over their gills. However, Nurse Sharks can stop swimming and rest because they can pump water through their mouths and gills while they're sitting still.

In the ocean Nurse Sharks can gather in groups of up to 40. They hide together under submerged ledges around coral reefs, often piled up on top of each other. At night, they become more active and venture out on their own to prey on sea snails, crustaceans, molluscs and other small fish.

We have four Nurse Sharks. Their names are Ashley, Belle, Lady Grey and Dean. Belle is the biggest and Dean is the smallest.

Black Tip Reef Sharks

Blacktip Reef Shark

We love our Blacktip Reef Sharks. They’re jaw-some! With the prominent black markings on their fins, they are easy to spot.

Found on the tropical coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Blacktip Reef Sharks prefer shallow, inshore waters.

The blacktip reef Shark's diet is composed primarily of small teleost fishes, including mullet, groupers, grunters, jacks, mojarras, wrasses, surgeonfish and smelt-whitings.

Zebra Shark

Zebra Shark

The Zebra shark is a slow-moving species that feeds on the sandy bottom on the sea primarily on molluscs and gastropod. This species grows to around 2.4m but has been recorded around 3.5m long. 

You can spot Zebby our Zebra Shark in our Open Oceans zone

Zebra Shark

Safeguarding Zebra Sharks

Together with ReShark, we're working with a global network of public aquariums, researchers, local communications, government and conservation organisations. Through the StAR breeding programme, we're re-wilding zebra sharks back into marine protected areas of Raja Ampat in Indonesia.

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Lesser Spotted Dogfish

Small-Spotted Catshark

It might surprise you to see that Catshark are actually a type of shark. The Small-Spotted Catshark is one of the most abundant Shark species in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean.
Rarely growing any longer than 80cm in length, these cute little sharks are opportunistic predators which feed on a wide range of shellfish and crustaceans.

Dogfish Babies

They are also known as Rock Salmon

Fish & chips shops often sell this species of Dogfish under the name Rock Salmon. Another small species of shark, the Spiny Dogfish, has been overfished for its use in Rock Salmon and is now Critically Endangered as a result.

Sharks do not cope with commercial fishing pressure as they reproduce too slowly, so we highly recommend that you avoid Rock Salmon or any Shark if you spot it on a menu.

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  • Entry at your chosen 15-minute time slot
  • Discover species from around the world in 14 themed zones and interact with them at our public feeding, diving displays and touch pools

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  • Enjoy the freedom to arrive at any time on the day of your choice - no rush, just adventure at your own pace!

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  • Standard entry at your chosen time slot
  • Includes an immersive VR experience: Dive into the ocean's depths with this cutting-edge virtual reality adventure