Experience the world of the oceans in our interactive Sea Lab laboratory. You will learn, how important and limited resource water actually is and how climate change threatens the oceans and ice sheets now and in the future. You will also learn how YOU can make a change and save the future of our oceans and nature.
In Sea Lab you get to explore closer at a sea urchin and sea star through a microscope and admire plankton up close, as well as learn about the negative effect of eutrophication and micro plastic on our nature. We hope you get inspired with new ideas on how to improve your own footprint on the environment!

Giant Pacific Octopus
Which creature has three hearts, eight arms, and a doughnut-shaped brain? You guessed it, it’s the octopus! The giant Pacific octopus can have an arm span of up to four meters.

The plastic waste of our oceans is one of the biggest environmental issues of our time. According to forecasts, it may be possible that by year 2050, our oceans include more plastic than fish.