Have you ever wondered what a sea urchin feels like or how sharks are born? At the Discovery pool, you can explore creatures like sea anemones and crabs, and learn about how sea stars move. Would you dare to touch a sea urchin or hold a shark egg case in your hand?

Sea stars
Sea stars can detach a leg when defending themselves against predators. A new leg will grow in its place within, but this can take several years.

Sea anemone
Anemones live in every ocean of the world. They live in peaceful harmony with some fish species such as clownfish who seek shelter in anemones.

Sea urchin
Sea urchins can live up to 20 years old! There are up to 1,000 different types of sea urchins, but only a few species are poisonous.

Pyjama shark
The name "Pyjama shark" originates from their coloration resembling striped pyjamas. These amusing-looking characters often rest during the day and swim around only after dusk, as they are nocturnal.

Baltic sea
Do you know what domestic fish like perch or crucian carp look like? Explore various Baltic Sea fish and maybe you'll even recognize them by the end of your visit based on their appearance.

Longspine snipefish
Did you know that longspine snipefish are related to seahorses? These amusing-looking fish belong to the same family as their relatives, the syngnathiformes.