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Conservation cove

Marine conservation is a central part of our mission, and Conservation cove, the heart of our center, is located at the end of our exhibit. This section is entirely dedicated to this important cause.

At Conservation cove, you can learn about our center's local conservation efforts, such as oil spill response and species protection, as well as SEA LIFE Trust's global marine conservation work. Our Conservation cove highlights key themes and offers fun, marine conservation-related activities designed to provide in-depth knowledge and aha moments.

Here, you will find the critically endangered San Ignacio pupfish, which now only exists in one small spring in the wild. Additionally, you can meet fish rescued from home aquariums that have outgrown their original tanks.

Visit Conservation cove and discover how small actions can have a big impact on the future of our oceans and how each of us can play a part in helping the world's seas and their inhabitants.
