Pollinator Garden
The SEA LIFE Pollinator Garden is a labor of love for SEA LIFE and our staff! We realize the importance of conservation and have made it part of our mission to expand to projects within our community... starting with our garden! Learn more about Pollination, Conservation and our garden below!

What is Pollination?
Plants use scent and color to attract insects, birds and other animals. These creatures are rewarded with nectar, a sweet nutritious liquid. As pollinators move from plant to plant, the are moving pollen grains, allowing the plants to fruit or reproduce. This process is critical for the plants, many animals and even humans.

Why is Pollination important?
Pollination is not only important to our ecosystems but our food supply as well. Despite their importance, many of the world’s pollinators are faced with extinction! It is crucial for us to stop this from happening.

Why did we plant our garden?
The SEA LIFE pollinator garden is an important demonstration of how a small native habitat can make a big impact. All habitats are connected and by having healthy ecosystems on land we can have healthy ocean ecosystems. It also helps us! Humans depend on pollinators for most of the fruits and vegetables we consume!

What can you do to help?
We can all make a difference by thinking globally but acting locally! Here are some swaps you can make to help pollinators and other beneficial creatures share your home habitats:
- Reduce the use of herbicides and pesticides, they are lethal to pollinators and run off into out aquatic habitats
- Turn lights out at night to reduce confusion for our migrating pollinators like monarch butterflies and songbirds
- Start a pollinator garden of your own by swapping lawn and invasive landscaping for native plants creating food and shelter for wildlife

Seasonal Garden Updates
We are sure that your home gardens are looking a bit like our Pollinator Garden here at SEA LIFE during the colder weather. Don’t be tempted to prune or tidy up your pollinator garden in the winter. The branches provide homes for pollinators to over winter and help protect the plant from any future freezes!

Thank you Calloway's
We would like to give a sea-sized shoutout to Calloway's for sponsoring the SEA LIFE Pollination Garden and helping us bring our project to life. Calloway's supplied all of the plants and flowers for our garden and were extremely helpful in the process of selecting native plants for our local pollinators. Thank you, Calloway's! For more information on the plants you need to start a pollinator garden, check out Calloway's!

Thank you Living Earth
Thank you to Living Earth for sponsoring the SEA LIFE Pollination Garden! We can not thank Living Earth enough for partnering with us to make this garden come together perfectly. Living Earth was kind enough to provide soil, mulch and fertilizer for our garden! Thank you so much for your contribution to SEA LIFE and the community! For more information on their products and services, visit Living Earth!