Harming Local Plants & Animals
What's an "invasive species", you ask? It's an organism that causes ecological damage to a new environment where it's not native. An invasive species can be introduced into a new area intentionally or on accident, but can have devastating effects either way.
There are hundreds of invasive species in Michigan that are spreading rapidly because they have no natural check here. They're able to out-compete natives, often completely transforming habitats or causing the extinction of local species entirely.
Invaders in Your Lake, Pond or River
Learn how to identify, report, remove and prevent them from spreading:
Grass carp
Purple loosestrife
Red swamp crayfish
Zebra mussel
Invaders in Your Yard
Learn how to identify, report, remove and prevent them from spreading:
Asian longhorned beetle
Emerald ash borer
Garlic mustard
Japanese knotweed
Oak wilt
Spotted lanternfly
Find More Information
State of Michigan Invasive Species Hub
Oakland Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area
Detroit & Western Lake Erie Cooperative Weed Management Area
GiLLS Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area
Lake St. Clair Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area
Local conservation events & workshops
Volunteer opportunities