- SEA LIFE Busan, B2 Floor
Meet the sharks
Sharks have lived in our oceans for more than 420 million years! Come visit them now at Sea Life Busan Aquarium
Buy nowHabitat
Coastal Waters
Up to 320cm
Sea snails, Crustaceans
Worldwide in subtropical waters

Sand Tiger Shark
Scientific Name: Carcharias taurus
Common Name: Grey Nurse Shark
Sand Tiger Sharks look ferocious with a mouth full of pointy teeth, but our divers regularly jump in with them because they aren't dangerous to humans. They are, however, voracious predators of small fish, crustaceans and squid, feeding mostly at night and close to the ocean floor. They can also be found worldwide in subtropical to warm temperature waters.

Did you know?
- Adult Sand Tiger Sharks tend to have scattered reddish-brown spots
- They are the only shark to maintain neutral buoyancy by gulping air at the water's surface and hold it in their stomach, this allows them to hover motionless in water
- They can be found from the surface of the water to 200m deep
- They can detect electrical signals from prey about 20 to 30 cm away

IUCN Status: Vulnerable
Sand tiger sharks are at risk from commercial fishing, spearfishing, and beach nets. Although this species is widespread and not widely eaten, it has the lowest breeding rate of all sharks and is even vulnerable to minimal population pressure.