Did you know...
...that an estimated 26 million tons of plastic pollution ends up in the oceans each year where it chokes, entangles and poisons marine life, and that it kills millions of marine creatures each year?
Plastic bags, disposable cutlery, old phone covers, drink bottles, batteries… you name it, we’ve found it! And unfortunately it all poses a big threat to our marine creatures, whether it stays in our rivers or gets washed into the ocean.

How do I join a beach clean?
Due to current restrictions, we have had to postpone our scheduled 2020 beach cleans. However watch this space for more information!
Who can get involved?
Everyone of all ages are welcome! From individuals looking to make a difference; to families, youth groups, student groups and local community groups, everyone is welcome to join us in helping to protect our native wildlife!

What do I need to bring?
We provide any equipment necessary so volunteers only need to dress for the weather and bring their enthusiasm, protective gloves if they have them and a packed lunch if attending a beach clean.
What are the benefits of helping out?
You will have directly helped to protect our native aquatic creatures but as thanks, we provide all our volunteers with a free day entry ticket to our SEA LIFE centre!