- SEA LIFE, Kingdom of the Seahorse
These curious group of creatures all belong to the Syngnathidae family.
As members of the same family, they share some interesting traits; Their jaws are fused to form a straw-like snout, instead of scales they have thin skin stretched over a series of bony plates and they are slow swimmers.
Perhaps the coolest thing about this group is that the males brood their babies! A male Seahorse has a brooding pouch on its belly into which a female can place her eggs. After a few weeks when the babies are ready, the male Seahorse gives birth. He rocks back and forth like a rocking-horse whilst the tiny baby seahorses pop out from a small hole in his tummy.
You can discover these amazing creatures along with Lion Fish, Unicorn Fish, Clown Fish and Regal Tangs as you journey into ‘Seahorse Kingdom’ during your visit. Scroll down to read more!
WOW Facts!
There are over 40 species!
You can find seahorses in oceans all over the world! Some live on coral reefs, others amongst mangrove roots and many live in seagrass meadows.
Seahorses prefer to swim in pairs with their tails linked together
Seahorse tails are prehensile
Which means they can use them to grip things like a monkey's tail! Seahorses hang onto seagrass or coral so they don't get swept away in the current.
Big-bellied Seahorses
The big-bellied sea horses’ tail contributes to their claim as one of the world’s largest seahorse species. Reaching up to lengths of 30 cm!
Pygmy Seahorses are as tiny as your little fingernail, but Big-belly Seahorses will be even bigger than your hand!
Their Ancient Greek name is Hippocampus, which means ‘horse sea monster’. But we don't think our seahorses are monsters at all!
The other amazing creatures you'll find at Seahorse Kingdom
Meet one of the ocean's best known and loved fish! Did you know - Relationship between clownfish and anemone is called symbiosis, which means that both species have benefits from mutual life.
Lion Fish
Lionfish has more than thirteen (up to 18) venomous spines on the backside of the body. Venom is used only for self-defence and does not hunt using these spikes.
Regal Blue Tang
Blue tangs eat nothing but algae and they're instrumental in keeping algae levels on coral. Without the blue tang there, algae could overgrow and suffocate the reefs.