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Add some colour to your world with our under the sea colouring in activity sheets!

Bannerfish Colouring
The longfin bannerfish are considered a very social fish and are usually found in pairs and shoals. These fish are mainly black and white with a very long dorsal fin which resembles a flag or “ banner”.

Yellow Tang Colouring
With a distinctive bright yellow body color, the Yellow Tang has a long snout-like mouth. It feeds on algae and seaweed and has white spines near the tail fin to use as protection from its predators. They feed on seaweed and algae.

Mandarin Fish Colouring
The common name of the Mandarin Fish comes from its extremely vivid coloration, evoking the robes of an Imperial Chinese mandarin. They rarely swim and have bottom-feeding habits so they are not easily seen. They eat small crustaceans, invertebrates and zooplankton.

Seastar Colouring
Seastars are marine invertebrates that have tube feet operated by a hydraulic system and a mouth at the center of the oral or lower surface. They are opportunistic feeders and are mostly predators on benthic invertebrates. Several species have specialized feeding behaviors including eversion of their stomachs and suspension feeding. Most can regenerate damaged parts or lost arms and they can shed arms as means of defence.

Black-spotted Puffer Colouring
The Black-spotted Puffer has a soft, thin skin that is covered by small prickly spines. In order to ward off potential enemies, they can inflate their bodies by swallowing air or water. It can also secrete a powerful poison, tetrodotoxin, to protect itself from predators.

See our creatures for inspirations!
Which sea creatures do you love the most? Magnificent Sharks, colourful Clownfish or perhaps inquisitive Sea Turtles? Maybe you simply can’t decide!