Shark Ship Wreck

Shark Ship Wreck
Take another dive into the deep and submerge yourself in a man-made ship wreck. Watch as various fish species joyously swim around their "Shark Shipwreck", but don't get caught off guard by the shark that is sure to be lurking nearby.
Did you know?
Sand Tiger Shark is a predator which grows more than 30,000 teeth in a lifetime. They conceive many pups at a time, but the strongest will eat its siblings and survive alone.


Sand Tiger Shark
Sand Tiger Sharks look ferocious with a mouth full of pointy teeth, but our divers regularly jump in with them because they aren't dangerous to humans.
- SEA LIFE Bangkok, Sharkshipwreck Zone

Nurse Shark
To spot a Nurse Shark, look for the shark with the funny moustache! These dangley bits on their top lip are actually useful things called barbels.
- SEA LIFE Bangkok, Sharkshipwreck Zone

Black Tip Reef Sharks
Found on the tropical coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Blacktip Reef Sharks prefer shallow, inshore waters.
- SEA LIFE Bangkok, Sharkshipwreck Zone