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  • SEA LIFE, Turtle Rescue Centre
A Green Sea Turtle

Our turtle species

Of the seven marine turtle species, 5 are found in New Zealand waters they are either endangered or critically endangered. Experiences like Turtle Rescue help educate the broader public on how their behavior in and around the water can impact local marine life.

Current patients recovering at our Turtle Hospital

Smee June 2022


This temporary resident is a green sea turtle found in the Ōmokoroa region. It was accidentally hooked by a fisherman and they did the right thing by calling 0800 362 468 (0800 DOC HOT) immediately.

During triage assessment at Auckland Zoo, the vet team discovered a second hook which had been ingested for quite some time. The older hook had a thick layer of abnormal tissue around it and the point of one hook as within a few mm of the heart and lungs. 

Both hooks were successfully removed and the turtle will now continue to recover and be monitored by our animal welfare team.

It's doing well so far and enjoying time at Turtle Bay.

Our aquarists have given Smee as its nickname, named after Captain Hook's best friend and loyal first mate in Peter Pan.

Some of our past patients at our Turtle Hospital

Taka 19112021

Taka is an Eastern Pacific green turtles are also referred to as black sea turtles and native to waters near Costa Rica and the Galápagos Islands, which means Taka is a long way from home! This species is classified as endangered, with populations decreasing due to overfishing and plastic pollution.

Taka was found at Takapuna Beach in May 2020, he was suffering from exhaustion, dehydration and low body temperature.

Taka was released at the Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve in April 2022. Find out about the release here

Loggerhead Turtle And Green Sea Turtle Calvin


This juvenile loggerhead was found washed up on Muriwai Beach with a bad lung infection in October 2019. Luckily, with the help of the Department of Conservation and Auckland Zoo, we have been able to clear up this infection, and gain an impressive 13kgs ahead of his release.

Kibou was released in March 2021. Find out about the release here

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