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Meet our Penguin Keeper Katie

  • Monday 14th September 2020

IMG 8960

Q: How long have you been a Penguin Keeper?

A: One month! I'm still in training at the moment but i absolutely love it! I’m studying marine biology and I have lots of experience with animals, I think those things combined with my positive attitude and love for animals definitely helped when I applied for the job! Coming into the interview I was SO nervous because it is my dream job, but when I sat down and started talking I realised how nice everyone is and that I didn’t need to worry!

Q: When did you realise you wanted to work with animals?

A: I’ve always wanted to work with animals! It was second nature to me, growing up on a farm we always had lots of animals around and I thought I would like to be a vet but I eventually changed my mind and wanted to do anything animal related and then I managed to score this job!

Q: What's your favourite part of the job?

A: I love giving the Gentoos pebbles for their nests. They can be very particular about which pebbles they take so it can be funny watching them pick and choose.

Q: Who is your favourite penguin?

A: Maggie. She’s one of the Kings, she is and old gal and she’s very sweet and gentle. She’s also a particularly beautiful penguin! She’s easy to feed and just a lovely little lady.
