The Sea Life Mission
Our Vision is of a world where our oceans are healthy, properly protected and full of diverse life.
We want all visitors to our aquarium to love the oceans and the creatures that live in them as much as we do. By sharing their beauty, we want to inspire you to help us protect them for generations to come.
Our partnership with the SEA LIFE Trust and Kelly Tarlton's Marine Wildlife Trust allows us to build a community of young leaders to influence positive change for the future health of the world's oceans. Each year, we reach millions of visitors providing them with the opportunity to:
- Engage in and learn about our aquatic environments and foster action to help improve habitat health;
- Encourage practical and simple changes that they can make that collectively contribute to better outcomes for our aquatic environments; and
- Support innovative and practical projects that help users make a considerable difference to the many threatened endangered aquatic species and habitats.

Kelly Tarlton's Marine Wildlife Trust
Dedicated to help rehabilitate stranded Sea Turtles, support regenarative projects that increase the biodiversity of the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana, inspiring, motivating and educating others to do the same.
Click here for more information.

Supporting the Hoiho!
Here at Kelly Tarlton's, we love all wildlife! That's why we are proud to support the work being done by the amazing team at the Wildlife Hospital in Dunedin to protect hoiho.
Hoiho are a native penguin species that is currently endangered; every individual is crucial to the long-term survival of the species, and so the specialized work being done at the Wildlife Hospital is critical to their conservation.
Find out more about the Wildlife Hospital Dunedin by visiting their website.

Together, we do amazing conservation work. Find out more and see how you can make a difference

Breed, Rescue, Protect
Our conservation programme consists of a system of care and best-practice animal husbandry that draws on decades of collective experience from our marine biologists

Worldwide Beach Cleans
Team up with our passionate staff and join one of our beach cleans, helping to raise awareness about plastic pollution, keeping our beaches clean and ...did we mention they’re fun too?

Beluga Whale Sanctuary, a world-first!
From Shanghai to Iceland, this is a ground-breaking project providing formerly captive beluga whales a safe and more natural home

Big or small, every little helps
Make a donation and contribute towards SEA LIFE Trust's mission to protect the world's oceans and its amazing marine life

Ocean Youth
Building tomorrow's leaders and change-makers to conserve and protect our oceans

Turtle Rehabilitation
Learn more about our turtle rehabilitation program

Turtle Release
Learn more about our Turtle Releases

As a business we're aiming to embed sustainable practices across all areas of our day-to-day operation.

Kelly Tarlton's Marine Wildlife Trust
The Kelly Tarlton's Marine Wildlife Trust aims to carry on Kelly's legacy of caring for, and creating love for the oceans.

Penguins for Penguins
Penguins for Penguins are a series of sustainable artwork created by the King and Gentoo colony at SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton's. The artwork created goes on to support native penguin conservation efforts.

How you can help?
Get involved