Green Team Initiatives
The SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium Green Team is a group of employees that exemplify SEA LIFE’s mantra of “Breed, Rescue, Protect.” The Green Team participates in initiatives to help the Arizona environment.
Our members have hosted major conservation projects aimed to help protect the Sonoran desert and its aquatic ecosystems. Below, our aquarists share their own stories of conservation.

Apple Snail Surveys
SEA LIFE Arizona partners with the Arizona Game and Fish Department to conduct annual Apple Snail surveys and helps prevent this invasive species from taking over Arizona waterways.
Removal of this invasive species from native Arizona waterways (benefitting both native wildlife and plants) is vital to making sure natural ecosystems remain intact, while simultaneously raising awareness in the community regarding responsible pet ownership.

Tempe Canal Cleanups
SEALIFE Arizona partners with the City of Tempe and has adopted a 1 mile stretch of public land near the attraction. SEA LIFE staff members volunteer to participate in quarterly clean-ups around the Tempe Beach Canal and during each clean up, removes at least 50 lbs of trash from the surrounding environment!
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